Some weeks ago we were invited to host one event of a networking event series called “Schnack & Schnittchen” (Sandwich-Talks) organized by the Junior Entrepreneurs Organization in Brunswick (Wirtschaftsjunioren Braunschweig). The Wirtschaftsjunioren Brunswick are part of the national association ‚ Wirtschaftsjunioren Deutschland‘ and the international association ‚JCI‘, in which young entrepreneurs and (young) executives network, train and engage themselves.“Digitialization“ was the topic for that event and we gave an insight to the attendees in how we understand the Digital Transformation (DT) and how we help our clients to get a grip at the upcoming challenges.
Using the Lego Serious Play ® method each participant was able to visualize his personal view on DT and discuss it within small groups. This lead to superb discussions and a brilliant exchange of opinions and ideas.
In addition to this great hands-on discussion board we presented how we help our clients to navigate the DT road and how we enable them to:
- Get a clear vision about what DT means for them
- Generate ideas to strengthen their business model or even invent new ones
- Come up with a clear DT strategy based on their individual vision
- Start first DT pilot projects to grant quick success
Afterwards the participants had the opportunity to experience the possibilities of Virtual Reality using the HTC Vive to get in close contact with 1:1 virtual car model.
It was a great evening and the major finding is – no matter how old you are, you are never too old to play with Lego!
If you want to learn more about fme’s ways to master the Digital Transformation, please get in touch with us!
Further Information:
Wirtschaftsjunioren Brunswick
DT Workshops mit Lego Serious Play®
Digital Transformation
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