4flow – Introduction of the Social Business Collaboration Platform Jive

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4flow’s client teams work in various functional teams and office locations around the world. As the organization grew, this made cross-functional, cross-location communication and information sharing difficult. For the management team it was becoming increasingly challenging to get to know one another, to fully leverage expertise and locate specific subject-matter experts within the company. To serve their clients in the best possible way, 4flow needed to find a new solution to coordinate its own workforce and to keep each team member constantly updated.




  • ECM Platform Services
»For us, as a provider of supply chain consulting, software and fourth-party logistics services, smooth communication and organization is essential. Jive fully meets our requirements and functions as a collaboration platform. fme executed the project professionally and efficiently to meet our expectations.«
Julian Schulcz - Executive Vice President
4flow SE
Fallstudie | 4flow – Introduction of the Social Business Collaboration Platform Jive


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