Hess Corporation: Content Migration from File Shares to OpenText Documentum D2 10 Times Faster

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Hess Corporation needed to migrate engineering operational documents from several file shares globally which requires retention times to be acquired per compliance. As the home-grown tool was very cumbersome, used up too much resource time and also created issues with performance on the Documentum system, Hess was looking for an alternative out of the box content migration product to effectively and efficiently migrate the file shares to their ECM system OpenText Documentum D2.


Hess Corporation


  • OpenText

Technologie / Service

  • D2
  • Documentum


  • Content Migration (Services)
  • Enterprise Content Management
  • migration-center
»migration-center allows us now to run a batch migration of the file shares 10 times faster than before which increases the overall and also end user productivity. Currently, Hess is finalizing the migration of about 2-3 million documents from our file shares.«
- Project Manager
Hess Corporation
Fallstudie | Hess Corporation: Content Migration from File Shares to OpenText Documentum D2 10 Times Faster


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