09.05.2022 | Stefan Esch
Microsoft 365 – Power-Plattform oder Graph API?
29.04.2022 | Tobias Sell
The new New Work: 5 inspirierende Orte als Home-Office-Alternative
28.04.2022 | Thomas Andersson
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Successful global data transformation projects start with strong global teams
20.04.2022 | Lenny Bierwirth
Qlik Reporting Services – Ein würdiger Nachfolger von Qlik NPrinting?
05.04.2022 | Ian Portman
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Content consolidation: what do you really need from a unified DMS?
01.04.2022 | André Koschützke
Experteninterview: Kundenerwartung trifft auf Technologieentwicklung
30.03.2022 | Tobias Stein
Qlik Cloud Deployments: Was ist die beste Lösung für Ihr Unternehmen?
28.03.2022 | Maximilian Krone
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VMware Cloud Native Master Specialist 2022 – How to master the certification
25.03.2022 | Peter Reynolds
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The painful cost of overestimating data quality in migration
21.03.2022 | Jennifer Utech
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Road to the AWS Security Specialty – Part II: Learnings from the AWS security speciality and how to apply them
14.03.2022 | Thomas Laue
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Automate DevOps Workflows using AWS StepFunctions Service Integrations
08.03.2022 | Jennifer Utech
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